Tuesday 25 December 2012

2012 - what a year!

So I don't mean to come on and tell you about what a year I had, but rather the year the world has had. I mean people thought the world was going to end because of a frikkin calender. I MEAN SERIOUSLY? Its kind've funny to me how people would believe in that type of stuff but then think I'm crazy when I say I believe in aliens!? I mean there is no way God made this huge, beautiful universe and we are the only frikkin living things in it!? Secondly the WHACK people on this planet, like the freak who went shooting everybody at the theater showing the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises. P.S all my sympathy and prayers went out to the families and friends of this terrible tragedy! and continuing on the subject of freaks with guns there was also a shooting at a pre-school in Connecticut, i mean how sick can you get!?

Okay enough about the negative, let's focus on the positive. The Olympics were this year, THE WORLD DIDN'T END, there is no zombie apocalypse, we are all going to be fine. Now lets dive a little into the crazy music that people seemed to love this year..
1st. Gangnam Style..... let me just tell you one thing... that is the most annoying song Ive ever heard! i mean you don't understand any of the lyrics except "HEEEEEEEEYYYYY SEXY LADY" lol
2nd. Real good music like Christina Aguilera's single was thrown out the window even though it was the best song released this year and got replaced with trashy Taylor Swift break-up songs... weeeeeeee aaaarrreee never ever ever getting back together... i mean cmon!?

And I should absolutely not forget the US presidential election, OBAMA for 4 more years.

So as my continuous rambling about 2012 has finally come to an end not even mentioning half the stuff that happened in this crazy year but anyways, I wish everybody a merry Christmas and a
 2013 full of love and joy!

God Bless

Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Perfect Time For A Christmas Wish

It is finally that time of year that everybody has been waiting for, for about 11 months now. ITS DECEMBER!
You wake up the first morning of December holiday and you can feel the cold draft swaying through your curtains from the snow outside. You get up slipping your feet into your warm fuzzy bunny slippers to close your window. As you close it, you hesitate for a second to just look at the back-yard that was green just a few days ago to see that it is now full of little white ice crystals. Softly in the distance you here Christmas carols being sung a few houses down.

You decide that you have had enough sleep and you just want to go sit in the living room and just stare at your beautiful flickering Christmas tree. Suddenly your mom just made you some hot coco with 5 marshmallows like you like it. Your mom then asks you what you want for Christmas? And you know that you can ask for anything and know that in a few days, its going to be under that tree.

Have a beautiful, happy Christmas.
God Bless

Monday 2 January 2012

My holiday...

My Holiday had alot of ups and downs but at the end of the day it was awesome! Ok so first we went to a holiday resort right next to the ocean and I took one of my good friends with me on holiday for the first time, and I have to say I am Not a morning person but...he is...so we go to bed at around 2 a.m and he wakes up at 7 a.m! Seriously how does he do it? So every morning (at 7) he drags me out of the bed...literally! Then that night hes tired about here at 10 p.m and I manage to keep him awake till about 1 a.m. Next morning same story "Lets go swim,we are burning daylight!" he sais. Well so I just sucked it up and got up and went. It probably just happened cause im more of a go sleep late get up late kinda guy but it was still alot of fun and 2 days before the holiday ended he had to go home to go on a holiday with someone else but anyway that day when he was gone I was "recovering" as I called it but then that night I got sick...nausea it was horrible but luckily I didnt,you know... After that trip we came home and it was just a relaxing week with my fam. Then we went on a trip to Mauritius. a Tropical island near Madagascar in the indian ocean it was great fun but I was just with my sisters and my mom...oh gosh...boy when it wasnt arguing between my oldest sister and my mom about crap it was actually very fun and a holiday filled with love. It was a very busy holiday I dont usually go on two trips in one holiday but this one...I got lucky!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Have an awesome blessed 2012 and please just remember...the world is not going to end!

Friday 2 December 2011

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays everybody,I hope all of you have a blessed holiday and a good fun-filled with happiness and joy Christmas with your family and friends!

Tuesday 29 November 2011


Yesterday I watched some of the home movies from when me and my sisters were way younger well I was still a baby and they were a few years older,anyway it was actually hilarious,haha the things little kids get up to!But also nice because it feels as if you become a little boy or girl again when you watch those movies because the moment you turn your tv on and start watching,the memories start flooding in,wow,those were the days.If you still have home movies go check them out again its much funner than watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians its like your own little reality tv show except your like 2 or 3 years old."Photos get lost and mentally forgotten but with video the memory lasts forever"wow me saying that quote makes me sound like some bizarre camera ad and its not even a real quote I suppose. But saying memories will be forgotten without cameras well I only have one thing to say about that,what would this world do without technology?

Thursday 3 November 2011

Beautiful Sensation

You know when you really feel like eating a chocolate and youre craving it so much you can already picture yourself eating it?And when your hands finally grasp that piece of chocolate and you take a bite and you feel that thrilling feeling in the back of your jaw near your cheek bones,almost like a vibrating sensation.Well do I have some advice for you!

1.If your on a diet drop it sister!It stays in your mouth for 2 minutes and in your hips for 2 months!
2.If you want to or need to gain weight,feel free.
3.If you are in the right weight group DONT eat the chocolate as you will get obese and DIE of cholesterol!
4.Dont even mind any of these comments above as you are beautiful just the way you are,and I think the thrilling feeling you get when someone tells you you are beautiful and special is much greater than the thrilling feeling you get when eating a chocolate.