Thursday 3 November 2011

Beautiful Sensation

You know when you really feel like eating a chocolate and youre craving it so much you can already picture yourself eating it?And when your hands finally grasp that piece of chocolate and you take a bite and you feel that thrilling feeling in the back of your jaw near your cheek bones,almost like a vibrating sensation.Well do I have some advice for you!

1.If your on a diet drop it sister!It stays in your mouth for 2 minutes and in your hips for 2 months!
2.If you want to or need to gain weight,feel free.
3.If you are in the right weight group DONT eat the chocolate as you will get obese and DIE of cholesterol!
4.Dont even mind any of these comments above as you are beautiful just the way you are,and I think the thrilling feeling you get when someone tells you you are beautiful and special is much greater than the thrilling feeling you get when eating a chocolate.

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