Monday 2 January 2012

My holiday...

My Holiday had alot of ups and downs but at the end of the day it was awesome! Ok so first we went to a holiday resort right next to the ocean and I took one of my good friends with me on holiday for the first time, and I have to say I am Not a morning person but...he we go to bed at around 2 a.m and he wakes up at 7 a.m! Seriously how does he do it? So every morning (at 7) he drags me out of the bed...literally! Then that night hes tired about here at 10 p.m and I manage to keep him awake till about 1 a.m. Next morning same story "Lets go swim,we are burning daylight!" he sais. Well so I just sucked it up and got up and went. It probably just happened cause im more of a go sleep late get up late kinda guy but it was still alot of fun and 2 days before the holiday ended he had to go home to go on a holiday with someone else but anyway that day when he was gone I was "recovering" as I called it but then that night I got sick...nausea it was horrible but luckily I didnt,you know... After that trip we came home and it was just a relaxing week with my fam. Then we went on a trip to Mauritius. a Tropical island near Madagascar in the indian ocean it was great fun but I was just with my sisters and my mom...oh gosh...boy when it wasnt arguing between my oldest sister and my mom about crap it was actually very fun and a holiday filled with love. It was a very busy holiday I dont usually go on two trips in one holiday but this one...I got lucky!

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