Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Perfect Time For A Christmas Wish

It is finally that time of year that everybody has been waiting for, for about 11 months now. ITS DECEMBER!
You wake up the first morning of December holiday and you can feel the cold draft swaying through your curtains from the snow outside. You get up slipping your feet into your warm fuzzy bunny slippers to close your window. As you close it, you hesitate for a second to just look at the back-yard that was green just a few days ago to see that it is now full of little white ice crystals. Softly in the distance you here Christmas carols being sung a few houses down.

You decide that you have had enough sleep and you just want to go sit in the living room and just stare at your beautiful flickering Christmas tree. Suddenly your mom just made you some hot coco with 5 marshmallows like you like it. Your mom then asks you what you want for Christmas? And you know that you can ask for anything and know that in a few days, its going to be under that tree.

Have a beautiful, happy Christmas.
God Bless

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