Sunday 23 October 2011

Excitement,Sadness,Anger and the Big Wave...

Ok,so this morning I woke up with raging excitement!I felt like jumping up and down,and screaming "YAY!" then I had to get dressed because we were going to one of my dads friends' birthday party.When we got there my mind suddenly went into a type of mode and I just became sad.I escaped from the crowd and went to go sit under a big tree all alone.All I wanted was to be,alone.I started realising my dad is searching for me because I had like 10 missed calls on my Blackberry.So I went back and tried to hide my sadness but then I made a miraculous recovery when my big sister came.I was happy till my dads girlfriends daughter kept on hitting me!So I got annoyed and hit her back but I did it a little harder than I intended to.But I did say im sorry even though she laughed when I hit her she didnt think it was sore but it was more a playful thing it wasnt a agrresive clench-your-teeth kinda thing it was kinda funny we both laughed because I would never hit a girl because im angry or anything I wouldnt even hit a guy I just dont like violence.But she went to her older sister and her sister squeezed her face so she started crying about that but told her mom I hit her so my dad crapped on my head because she was crying but not because I slapped her she even said that shes crying because her sister squeezed her face!So my dad yelled at me and I got so fed up with everyone because everyone made little comments and stuff so I went back to my tree and sat there till my sister was going home so I went with her. I think I was hit today by a BIG...wave of hormones.

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